Wesley UMC Worship from Jan. 17, 2021

Order of Worship:  2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer:  Vicki Decker

Opening Song:  #593 “Here I Am, Lord” led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Children’s Moment

Special Music:  “You Have Searched Me (Psalm 139)”  – Mary Stoltman

Scripture:  1 Samuel 3:1-10 – Heather Carpenter

Centering Video:  “Wonderfully Made” by The Work of the People


Joys and Concerns  

Prayers of the People: W&S #3046 “Come, O Redeemer, Come” – led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Closing Song:  W&S #3095 “Somebody’s Knockin’ at Your Door” led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, and Mary Stoltman

BenedictionPostlude:  “We Shall Overcomel” – Jonelle Moore