Online Worship Dec. 12, 2021: Third Sunday of Advent

Order of Worship:  3rd Sunday of Advent

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music  “Blessed Be the God of Israel” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Kelsey Hicks

Opening Song:  W&S #3044 “Make Way, Make Way” – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Lighting of the Advent Candle:  Joy  – the Hanratty Family

Response:  #211 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” v.4

Children’s Moment

Scripture:   Isaiah 12:2-6  – Marji Ford

Centering Video “God’s Grace Comes to Us” a film by TWOP

Message  “Lights of Advent:  Joy”

Song:  #617 “I Come with Joy” [v.1-2,4] – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer:  #198 “My Soul Gives Glory to My God” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Song:  “The Lord Is My Light” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” – Jonelle Moore