Online Worship Jan. 2, 2022: Epiphany

Order of Worship:  Epiphany Sunday

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music  “Once in Royal David’s City” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Nancy Dunbar

Opening Song:  #249 “There’s a Song in the Air” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden & Mary Stoltman

Children’s Moment

Scripture  “The Little Drummer Boy” –

Centering Video:  “The Knowing”  images by TWOP

Message:  “Following the Star”

Song: TFWS #2094 “Carol of the Epiphany” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden & Mary Stoltman

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer  TFWS #2095 “Star-Child” v. 1,3,5 led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden & Mary Stoltman

Song:  #254 “We Three Kings” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden & Mary Stoltman


Postlude:  “Sing We Now of Christmas” – Jonelle Moore