Online Worship April 24, 2022: Holy Humor Sunday

Order of Worship:  2nd Sunday of Easter/Holy Humor Sunday

Gathering Music: “Roll, Jordan, Roll” – Dan Barr, Frank Bures, Margaret Cassidy

Easter Greeting

Opening Song:  #723 “Shall We Gather at the River” [v. 1-2,4] – led by Dan Barr, Frank Bures, Margaret Cassidy

Opening Prayer – Joliene Olson

Holy Interruptions

Special Music:  “What a Wonderful World” – Robert Hicks

Holy Interruptions

Scripture:  John 20:19-31 – Nancy Dunbar with film by TWOP


Song:  “Just a Little While to Stay Here”  – led by Dan Barr, Frank Bures, Margaret Cassidy

Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer

Song:  #526“What a Friend We Have in Jesus” – led by Dan Barr, Frank Bures, Margaret Cassidy

Holy Interruptions


Postlude:  “When the Saints Go Marching In” – Dan Barr, Frank Bures, Margaret Cassidy