Worship on Sunday Mornings
- In person: Join us at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday for worship. We are located at 114 West Broadway in Winona, Minnesota. Handicapped parking and access to the building are through the rear entrance that is adjacent to our parking lot.
- Livestreamed: Our worship service is livestreamed on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. on our YouTube channel.
On March 30, we will observe UMCOR Sunday at our Sunday morning worship. UMCOR Sunday seeks to increase awareness and support for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Gifts given on UMCOR Sunday play a vital role in enhancing the church’s global humanitarian response because these funds cover UMCOR’s administrative costs. This support ensures that 100% of donations given to UMCOR throughout the year can be directed toward on-the-ground relief and recovery efforts, allowing UMCOR to effectively respond to crises and provide assistance where it’s needed most.
Holy Week Worship Schedule
April 13: Palm Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
April 17: Maundy Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
April 18: Good Friday, 6:30 p.m.
April 20: Easter Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Souper Tuesday
- The Souper Tuesday weekly community meal at Wesley UMC in Winona, Minn., has come to a close. The final meal was served on August 27, 2024. This decision was made after careful consideration, primarily due to the aging and health concerns of our leadership and some volunteers, which have impacted their ability to continue in their roles. Many thanks to all who made this 15-year ministry a memorable and meaningful time.
- Upcoming Gathering events will be announced here.
Worship from March 23, 2025
Sunday worship service from March 23, 2025.
Wesley United Methodist Church / 114 W. Broadway, Winona MN 55987 / 507.452.6783 / email: [email protected]