Virtual Worship from June 21, 2020

Order of Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Joys & Concerns

Gathering Music:  “Someplace We’ll Always Call Home” – Pamela McNeill, written for Central’s 150th anniversary

Opening Prayer – Nicole Weydt

Opening Song:  #140 “Great Iss Thy Faithfulness” led by Melissa Wangen

Moment for Children

Special Music:  “I Exalt Thee – Open the Eyes of My Heart” – Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen

Scripture:  Genesis 21:8-21 – Lisa Mackey

Centering Video:  “”Land of the Living”


Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer – “Keep Me Near the Cross” –– Mary Stoltman

Closing Song:  W&S #3030  “Eternal God Transcending Time” led by Melissa Wangen

Benediction:  Franciscan Benediction

Postlude:  “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” – Eric Brisson