Order of Worship: All Saints Sunday
Welcome & Announcements
Gathering Music: “How Lovely, Lord, How Lovely” – Eric Brisson
Opening Prayer – Nancy Dunbar
Opening Song: #261 “Lord of the Dance” – led by Edie Davis and Mary Stoltman
Children’s Moment
Scripture: John 11:32-44
Centering Video “Christ Has Died/Mystery” a film by TWOP, music by Wesley UMC musicians
Message “Removing the Stone”
Song: W&S #3074 “Jesus Is a Rock in a Weary Land” – led by Edie Davis and Mary Stoltman
Remembrance of Our Saints
Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer: TWS #2150 “Lord, Be Glorified”led by Edie Davis and Mary Stoltman
Song: W&S #3095 “Somebody’s Knockin’ at Your Door” led by Edie Davis and Mary Stoltman
Postlude: “For All the Saints” – Jonelle Moore