New: In-Person Watch Parties

What is a Watch Party?  It is a time to gather, as safely as possible, with other members of your church family in order to share in the experience of our virtual worship services. 
We will begin offering weekly Sunday Watch Parties on May 2, in the sanctuary, at 10:30 am.  Because we need to limit the number of people attending at one time, if you would like to participate in a Watch Party, you will need to reserve your spot each week by either calling the church office or clicking on this link.
In order to comply with CDC and our Bishop’s directives, we have established certain guidelines.  Access to the sanctuary will be available through the center doors 10 minutes before the service.  Immediately following the service you may exit through the side doors.  Sanitizer will be available.  You are required to wear a mask and are invited to hum but not sing.  There will be no food or drink, and family groups will need to sit socially distanced from other family groups (the sanctuary will be marked for safe seating). 
On Communion Sundays, which is our first Watch Party, you are invited to come forward in family groups following the service to receive the bread and cup prior to exiting the building.
Fellowship Time will be offered outside following the Watch Party, so if you would like to linger for some conversation and laughter, be sure to bring a lawn chair!

Online Worship April 25, 2021

Order of Worship:  4th Sunday of Easter

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: “How Firm a Foundation” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Vicki Decker

Opening Song:  #399 “Take My Life, and Let It Be” led by Eric Brisson, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Children’s Moment

Special Music:  Bach Concerto for Two Violins, arr. for two clarinets by Ruth Bures, Frank and Ruth Bures

Scripture:  Acts 4:5-12 – Vicki Decker

Centering Video: “Built on a Rock”, music performed by Christ First UMC Choir, Wasilla AK,


Joys & Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer: W&S #3135 “In God Alone” singers are Eric Brisson, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen, flute – Kelsey Hicks, clarinets – Ruth and Frank Bures

Song:  #434 “When the Poor Ones” – led by Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “On Christ the Solid Rock” – Jonelle Moore

Holy Humor Sunday: April 18, 2021

Order of Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: “O Happy Day that Fixed My Choice” – Eric Brisson

Call to Worship

Opening Song:  TFWS #2270 “He Has Made Me Glad”

Opening Prayer – Ramona Metz

Children’s Moment

Holy Interruptions

Scripture:  Luke 24:36b-48 – Diane Amundson

Centering Image


Holy Interruptions

Song:  “Go Tell It on the Mountain” – Holy Humor version

Joys & Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer: “Jubilate Coeli” singers are Eric Brisson, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen, flute – Kelsey Hicks, clarinets – Ruth and Frank Bures

Holy Interruptions

Song:  “Why Don’t We Just Laugh A lot” – [tune “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”]


Postlude:  “I’ve Got the Joy” – Jonelle Moore

Wesley UMC Worship Service April 11, 2021

Order of Worship:  2nd Sunday of Easter

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name” – Jonelle Moore

Collage of Voices:  Christ is risen! – Minnesota United Methodists

Opening Songs:  “Forever (We Sing Hallelujah)” and “Unstoppable God” – Centennial UMC, St. Anthony Park (St. Paul)

Children’s Moment

Scripture:  John 20:19-29 – Minnesota UMC Extended Cabinet, ASL interpretation by Joanne Coffin-Langdon

Message:  “Dead as a Doornail, Alive as Beauty” – Bishop David Bard

Prayer: “Hymn of Promise” led by Jenni and Rev. Cullen Tanner, Roots and Branches (Anoka), Prayer by Rev. Cindy Gregorson, Director of Connectional Ministries

Song:  “Morning Has Broken” led by Jenni and Rev. Cullen Tanner, Roots and Branches (Anoka)

Blessing and Sending Forth:  Rev. Cynthia Williams, River Valley District Superintendent

Postlude:  “He Lives” – Eric Brisson

Wesley UMC Easter Service April 4, 2021

Order of Worship:  Easter Sunday

Welcome & Announcements

Opening Prayer – Isaac Hicks

Gathering Music: “What a Wonderful World/ Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” [v. 1-3] led by Eric Brisson, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen, Christian Sveen on trumpet

Children’s Moment

Special Music:   “The Tomb Is Empty Now” singers are Eric Brisson, Ruth Bures, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Chris Jordan, Mary Stoltman, Andy Sveen, Beth Sveen, Spencer Sveen and Melissa Wangen

Scripture:  Mark 16:1-8 – Barb Rahn

Special Music:  “To Thine Be the Glory” Virtual Easter Choir of United Methodists worldwide


Invitation to the Table:  W&S #3105 “In Christ Alone” [v. 1,3-4] – Mary Stoltman

The Great Thanksgiving

Joys & Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer: “Jubilate Coeli” singers are Eric Brisson, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen, flute – Kelsey Hicks, clarinets – Ruth and Frank Bures

Song:  W&S #3090 “The Easter Song” led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “Rejoice and Sing” – Jonelle Moore