Wesley 4 Winona Spotlight: Winona County Historical Society

Founded in 1935, the Winona County Historical Society is dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition and interpretation of materials that document the human history of Winona County. During non-Covid times, the WCHS holds a variety of educational and social events for the Winona community and enjoys the support of over 1,400 members and 60 active business supporters.

The Winona County Historical Society was founded in 1935.

Like many other non-profits, the WCHS  is facing Covid-related challenges. The museum was closed to the public for three months, with many employees put on furlough or reduced hours. With the cancellation of summer river tours, exhibits, facility rentals, and more, the organization suddenly found itself without important sources of revenue,

In recognition of the WCHS’s mission, we are pleased to support this organization as a recipient of our Wesley 4 Winona campaign.

How to give to the Winona County Historical Society :

  1. Personal Check:  send in your check via mail to the church (114 W. Broadway).  Note the organization and amount on that check. 
  2. Vanco:  you can either go into your Vanco account and use the new Wesley 4 Winona category or contact Edie Davis and she can do it for you.
  3. Bill Pay: email Edie Davis to inform her what portion of your Bill Pay payment is designated for Wesley 4 Winona.   

Wesley 4 Winona is a Covid-related ministry that encourages and celebrates the work of local non-profits who do so much to help our community. This ministry was borne of a desire to embrace our neighbor and to be others-centered in our faith and giving.

Virtual Worship from Sept. 13, 2020

Order of Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Wesley 4 Winona Moment:  Winona County History Center

Gathering Music: “This Little Light of Mine” – The Living Waters Band of Richfield UMC

Opening Prayer – Rev. Jay Jeong, Mounds Park UMC

Opening Song:  #400 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” 

led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Chris Jordan, Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen and Eric Brisson

Moment for Children

Special Music:  “You Are My All in All” – Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16  – “Salt and Light” video by TWOP

Message:  “How Do We Be the Light and Live Hope”              Rev. Laquaan Malachi, North UMC, Minneapolis

Invitation to the Table:  “How Can I Keep from Singing” Chancel Choir of Hamline United Methodist Church, Minneapolis

Great Thanksgiving

Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer – using TFWS #2195 “In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful” cantors Edie Daivs, Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen, Chris Jordan; trumpet -Christian Sveen, clarinet – Ruth and Frank Bures, flute – Kelsey Hicks

Closing Song:  #431 “Let There Be Peace on Earth” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Chris Jordan, Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen and Eric Brisson

Postlude:  “Let All Things Now Living” – Jonelle Moore

Click here for a children’s bulletin that goes along with this week’s scripture.

Virtual Worship from Sept. 6, 2020

Order of Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music:  “Love Divine, All Love’s Excelling” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Sierra Hicks

Opening Song:  TFWS #2210 “Joy Chimes with the Dawn” led by Edie Davis and Melissa Wangen

Moment for Children

Special Music:  “Morning Has Broken” – Handbell solo by Sue and Mike Ellingsen, Ruth Bures’ cousins 

Scripture:  Revelation 21:1-6 – Sierra Hicks

Centering Video:  “Live the Questions”

Message:  Bishop Ough

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer – using #347 “Spirit Song” led by Mary Stoltman and Norma Duden

Closing Song:  TFWS #2284 “Joy in the Morning” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Postlude:  “The Gift of Love” – Jonelle Moore

Virtual Worship from August 30, 2020

Order of Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: TFWS #2272 “Holy Ground” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Ruth Bures

Opening Song:  W&S #3029 “In the Desert, on God’s Mountain”

Moment for Children

Special Music:  “Oceans” – Becky Wisted, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen

Scripture:  Exodus 3:1-15 – Frank Bures

Centering Video:  “Go Down, Moses”

Message:  “Harbinger” – an original film by Isaac Hicks

Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer – using W&S #3131 “Hear My Prayer, O God” v. 1 and v. 2, Rev. Cynthia Williams offers our prayer this week.

Closing Song:  #448 “Go Down, Moses”

Postlude:  “Go Down, Moses” – Jonelle Moore

For those of you with young children at home, click here for a children’s bulletin that goes along with this week’s scripture. 

Virtual Worship from August 23, 2020

Order of Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: “Bridge Over Troubled Water” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Heather Carpenter

Opening Song:  W&S #3104 “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Chris Jordan, Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen

Moment for Children

Special Music:  “You Were There to Hear My Borning Cry” – Edie Davis & Mary Stoltman; Kelsey Hicks, flute

Scripture:  Exodus 1:8-2:10 – Vicki Decker

Centering Video:  “The Merton Prayer”


Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer – using TFWS #2205 “The Fragrance of Christ” [refrain] led by Norma Duden

Closing Song:  TFWS #2107 “Wade in the Water” led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Chris Jordan, Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen

Postlude:  “Deep River” – Jonelle Moore

For those of you with young children at home, or if you just like coloring pages and word puzzles, click here for a children’s bulletin that goes along with this Sunday’s scripture.