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Online Worship June 27, 2021: 5th Sunday After Pentecost

Order of Worship:  5th Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: “Abide with Me” – Jonelle Moore

Opening Prayer – Diane Amundson

Opening Song:  #474 “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Children’s Moment

Scripture:  Mark 5:24b-34 – Vicki Decker

Centering Video:  “Psalm 130” a film by TWOP

Message  “Just a Touch”

Corporate Lament – Nicole Weydt

Song:  #351 “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Joys & Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer: TFWS #2136 “Out of the Depths” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Song:  TFWS #2151 “I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “How Long, O Lord” – Eric Brisson

For those of you with children at home, click here for a children’s bulletin to go with this week’s scripture.

Online Worship June 20, 2021: 4th Sunday After Pentecost

Order of Worship:  4th Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Martha Riley

Opening Song:  TFWS #2146 “His Eye Is on the Sparrow” – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Children’s Moment

Scripture:  Mark 4:35-41 – Norma Duden, Jaime Hanratty, Chris & Caroline Jordan

Centering Video:  “Psalm 9” original film by Isaac Hicks

Message  “In the Midst of the Storm”

Song:  TFWS #2218 “You Are Mine” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Joys & Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer: #484 “Kyrie Eleison” singers are Edie Davis, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Song:  TFWS #2212 “My Life Flows On” led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “Blessed Assurance” – Jonelle Moore

Online Worship June 13, 2021: 3rd Sunday After Pentecost

Order of Worship:  3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: “Near to the Heart of God” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Vicki Decker

Opening Song:  W&S #3177 “Here I Am to Worship” led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Melissa Wangen, Mary Stoltman

Children’s Moment

Scripture:  1 Samuel 16:1-13 – Nate Dennis

Centering Video:  “What Would You Change About Your Live?” a film by The Work of the People


Song:  #707  “Hymn of Promise” led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Joys & Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer: TFWS #2157 “Come and Fill Our Hearts” 

Song:  #577 “God of Grace and God of Glory” – led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “Open the Eyes of My Heart/Be Thou My Vision” – Jonelle Moore

New: In-Person Worship!

Based on our Bishop moving our Conference to the Blue phase and the recommendations from our Re-Gathering Task Force, we will begin offering both in-person and livestreamed/virtual worship.  Worship time for our In-Person and livestreamed worship will move to 10:30 am starting the first Sunday in June.  Virtual services will continue to be available at any time through our YouTube channel or the link on our website. 
During the summer, we will continue to offer Outdoor Fellowship time following worship, weather permitting.  So, if you would like to stay and have a chance to catch up with your siblings in Christ, bring a lawn chair and we will gather under the shade of the trees in the lawn opposite the city library.

Bishop Bard of the Minnesota United Methodist Church has announced that the churches are now in the Blue Phase of regathering!  This is fantastic news for moving forward with creating opportunities for us to come together as the body of Christ.  Our Re-Gathering Task Force, following the Conference guidelines, has worked out the details that allow us to open the Church up for in-person worship and small group gatherings.
This is the news that we all have been anticipating!  Here is what you need to know.
Does this mean everything is “back to normal”?  Not quite, but we are definitely moving steadily and carefully in the direction of being fully open for the mission and ministry of the church.
When do we get to worship in person in the church?  This Sunday, June 6, we are resuming in-person worship while continuing to offer our virtual services that have been so appreciated.
What will worship look like?  And can we sing?  It will look a little different, and that’s ok.  Yes, we will be singing!  Which means we will require masks for everyone and we will also have to be socially distanced between family groups or the bubbles of friends that have been established.
But what if I’ve been fully vaccinated? Do I still have to wear a mask?  Yes, being masked and socially distanced allows Wesley to address concerns for those who may have health issues for themselves or those to whom they are close.  Mask wearing demonstrates love of ourselves and neighbors.  If you forget your mask, we will have masks available so that no one will feel excluded.
What about Communion?  Will it be offered during worship?  Yes, we will offer Communion during worship on the days when it would normally be offered.  Which includes our first Sunday back.  We will still be using individual cups, and your pastors and those who help serve will be vaccinated, gloved and masked.
What about childcare?  We will have nursery volunteers on stand-by if there are families who would like to take advantage of the nursery.  Because we know children cannot yet be vaccinated, adults providing childcare will be masked and care will be taken to disinfect toys that are being shared.
What about other groups in the church?  Groups may begin meeting in the church again, coordinated through the office.  Masks are encouraged but not required.  Social distancing is required.  We will have hand sanitizer, wipes and options for adequate air circulation available.
Does this all seem a little complicated?  After this past year and many months, we have all learned how to show flexibility and grace in order to accomplish what is important.  Gathering together, discovering who we now are after going through these difficult times, listening for God’s call to lead us into who we are becoming to be in ministry in Winona, that is very important indeed!  So, let us gather together, worship, and experience the movement of God’s Holy Spirit as we are born anew as the people called Methodist!

Online Worship June 6, 2021: 2nd Sunday After Pentecost

Order of Worship:  2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome & Announcements

Agape Scholarship Award

Gathering Music: “Open My Eyes, That I May See” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Norma Duden

Opening Song:  #356 “When We Are Living” led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Melissa Wangen, Mary Stoltman

Children’s Moment

Scripture:  2 Corinthians 4:13-18 – Barb Rahn

Special Music:  “I’ll Fly Away Medley”


Invitation to the Table:  “Don’t Lose Heart” a film by The Work of the People

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

High School Graduate Recognition

Joys & Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer: TFWS #2206 “Without Seeing You” [chorus only] singers are Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Song:  TFWS #2153“I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” – led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “It Is Well” – Jonelle Moore