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Worship July 10, 2022: 5th Sunday after Pentecost

Order of Worship:  5th Sunday after Pentecost

Gathering Music: “Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Joliene Olson

Opening Song:  #402 “Lord, I Want to Be a Christian – led by Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Children’s Moment

Scripture:  Luke 10:24-37 – Joliene Olson

Centering Video:  “Living Worthy” a film by Isaac Hicks

Message: “Those that Pass By”

Song:  #351“Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior” – led by Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer TFWS #2200 “O Lord, Hear My Prayer” – led by Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Closing Song:  #356“When We Are Living”  – led by Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “Pass It On” – Eric Brisson

Worship July 3, 2022: 4th Sunday after Pentecost

Order of Worship:  4th Sunday after Pentecost

Hymn Sing Sunday

Gathering Music: 

Directions for Singing – from John Wesley’s Select Hymns, 1761, pb. vii – Norma Duden

Opening Prayer:  “For True Singing” #69

Songs of Invitation

TFWS #2120 “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness v. 1,4

     #357 “Just As I Am, Without One Plea” v. 1,5

Songs of Declaration

     #327 “Crown Him with Many Crowns” v. 1.

     #77 “How Great Thou Art” v. 1, 3-4

     #378 “Amazing Grace” v. 1-2

     #140 “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” v. 1

Scripture:  Psalm 40:1-4– Joliene Olson

Songs of Encounter

     TFWS #2151 “I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me” v. 1,3

     W&S #3105 “In Christ Alone” v. 1,4

Songs of Inspiration and Comfort

     #143 “On Eagles Wings”

     #496 “Sweet Hour of Prayer” v. 1

     #437 “This Is My Song”  v. 3

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer TFWS #2118 “Veni Sancte Spiritus” – led by Eric Brisson, Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Songs of Response

     #530“Are Ye Able” v. 4

     #432 “Jesu, Jesu” v. 4-5

     #593 “Here I Am, Lord” v. 1

     W&S #3042 “Shout to the North”

Benediction:  “May Peace Become You” – a benediction by TWOP


Worship June 26, 2022: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Order of Worship:  3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Gathering Music: “Jesus, United by Thy Grace” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Nancy Dunbar

Opening Song:  #553 “And Are We Yet Alive [v. 1,3-4]– led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden and Mary Stoltman

Children’s Moment

Special Music:  “Mozart Trio”  – Frank Bures

Scripture:  Mark 9:14-19 – Norma Duden

Episcopal Address by Bishop David Bard

Song:  W&S #3124“How Shall I Come Before the Lord”  – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, and Mary Stoltman

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer TFWS #2209 “How Long, O Lord” [v. 1-2] – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Closing Song:  #548“In Christ There Is No East or West”  – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, and Mary Stoltman

Benediction:  “O Divine Healer Pt. 2” – a benediction by TWOP

Postlude: “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” – Eric Brisson

Worship June 19, 2022: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

For those of you with children at home, here is a children’s bulletin that goes with this week’s scripture reading.

Order of Worship:  2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Gathering Music: “My Hope Is Built” – Eric Brisson

Opening Prayer – Norma Duden

Opening Song:  TFWS #2128 “Come and Find the Quiet Center – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Children’s Moment

Scripture:  Galatians 3:23-39 – Barb Rahn

Scripture:  Luke 8:26-39

Message: “Out of the Pain We Carry”

Song:  W&S #3072“Cast Out, O Christ”  [v. 1-2, 4-5] – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer TFWS #2080 “All I Need Is You” – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen and Becky Wisted

Closing Song:  TFWS #2151“I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me”  – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman, Melissa Wangen and Becky Wisted


Postlude:  “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand” – Jonelle Moore

Worship June 12, 2022: Trinity Sunday

For those of you with children at home, here is a children’s bulletin that goes with this week’s scripture reading.

Order of Worship:  Trinity Sunday

Gathering Music: “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” (Watts/arr. Rice-Young) – Flutistry

Report from Annual Conference

Opening Prayer – Joliene Olson

Opening Song:  #64 “Holy, Holy, Holy!  Lord God Almighty – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Children’s Moment

Special Music:  “Ashokan Farewell” (Ungar/arr. Lombardo) – Flutistry

Scripture:  Romans 5:1-5 – Martha Riley

Centering Video:  “Psalm 8” a film by TWOP

Message: “How Majestic the Name”

Song:  TFWS #2023“How Majestic Is Your Name”  – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Reception of New Members

Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer TFWS #2064 “O Lord, You’re Beautiful” – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen

Closing Song:  #374“Standing on the Promises”  – led by Edie Davis, Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman and Melissa Wangen


Postlude:  “Alleluia for Exultate Jubilate” (Mozart/arr. Rice-Young)– Flutistry