Virtual Worship from June 28, 2020

Order of Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Wesley 4 Winona Mission Moment – Project Fine

Gathering Music: #787 “Psalm 65:5-12” – Eric Brisson

Joys & Concerns

Opening Prayer – Dan Amundson

Opening Song:  #361 “Rock of Ages” led by Eric Brisson

Moment for Children

Special Music:   Anna Blakesley

Scripture:  Genesis 22:1-14 – Becky & Gary Meyers

Centering Video:  “Birthing a New Way”


Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer – with “El Shaddai” sung by Mary Stoltman

Closing Song:  “Forever” led by Praise Team Singers.

Postlude:  “How Firm a Foundation” – Eric Brisson

Wesley 4 Winona Spotlight: Project FINE

As we continue with the Wesley 4 Winona ministry, we are focusing on Project FINE here in Winona. The mission of Project FINE is to “strengthen and enrich our community by facilitating the integration of people who are ethnically diverse.

During the COVID-19 crisis, Project FINE’s services are more important than ever. It is our desire to support Project FINE during this critical time.

How to give to Project FINE:

  1. Personal Check:  send in your check via mail to the church (114 W. Broadway).  Note the organization and amount on that check. 
  2. Vanco:  you can either go into your Vanco account and use the new Wesley 4 Winona category or contact Edie Davis and she can do it for you.
  3. Bill Pay: email Edie Davis to inform her what portion of your Bill Pay payment is designated for Wesley 4 Winona.