Online Worship May 30, 2021: Native American Ministries Sunday

Order of Worship:  Native American Ministries Sunday

Welcome & Announcements

Opening Song:  “Amazing Grace” 

Opening Prayer:  Nyomi Stone

Call to Worship:  Kathy King, Pastor Prairie Lakes Parish

Scripture:  Psalm 23 [Native American translation] – Paula Gaboury, Pastor United Church of Two Harbors

Scripture:  1 John 3:1-3

Moment for Children:  “The Legend of the Lady Slipper” told by Dani Owen; Youth, Children and Famiies Coordinator, Aitkin UMC

Message – Dawn Hauser, Pastor Aitkin UMC

Prayers of the People:  Guy Sederski; Pastor West Bethel and Spirit River UMCs

Testimony:  Bill Konrardy; Lay Person, Lake Harriet UMC


Prayer of Dedication:  Cindy Saufferer; Lay Person, Blooming Grove UMC

Closing Song:  #672 “God Be with You till We Meet Again” – Edie Orazem, organist Aitkin UMC, Aitkin UMC Online Choir

Dismissal with Blessing – [a Navajo prayer tradition] – Dawn Hauser, Pastor Aitkin UMC