Online Worship May 23, 2021: Ascension Sunday

For those of you with children at home, click here for a Pentecost children’s bulletin.

Order of Worship:  Pentecost Sunday

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Music: Spirit of the Loving God

Opening Prayer:  Abby Russell

Opening Song:  TFWS #2117 “Sprit of God” – Eric Brisson, Norma Duden, Edie Davis

Scripture:  Acts 2:1-21

Centering Video:  “Come Great Spirit” – The Work of the People

Message – Nicole Weydt, Director of Community Based Justice Ministries at Wesley UMC

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer:  #347 “Spirit Song” – Norma Duden, Mary Stoltman

Closing Song:  TFWS #2237 As a Fire Is Meant for Burning” – Eric Brisson, Norma Duden, Edie Davis

Dismissal with Blessing – “A Franciscan Benediction” – The Work of the People